Saturday, June 28, 2008

Where does the time go?

can you believe it has been a year since my bug came into our lives screaming? it's been a long year....a L O N G year. but, we made it. i never thought we would. i remember sitting there watching her scream and scream thinking that there was something wrong with her not just medically but mentally. all the doctors could say was you have been hit with a double whammy, extreme colic and reflux. she will outgrow it. 12 months later she did. thank you Lord.

my bug has since grown into a little toddler with lots of personality. she loves to dance, any music, any time, any place. she loves her brother. first thing she does in the morning is look for him and say bubba. she loves her dog murphy, dog is what she says as she pets him or feeds him from her chair. she loves to go get a book and bring it to you. she loves to bring you all the diapers from her basket and then take them away from you. she loves to climb. she loves to crawl under things. she is a daredevil. she has bruises everywhere just like her mom. (not that i am a daredevil but i bruise easily.) she loves the wiggles just like her brother did at her age. she loves to take her brother's sippy cups away from him. she is going to be a terror on wheels as she grows older.

she has started giving kisses and that makes up for all the screaming. "they" say you forget the pains of labor, that is true as i had no pain. "they" say you will forget the screaming...i am here to tell you "they" did not meet my bug. there is no way i will ever forget those first months, as much as i wanted them to go away i know that there will be a day i will want them back.

happy birthday bug!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The bug...

kate has been into climbing things lately. she gets such a look of accomplishment when she gets where she wants. it started with the hearth of the fireplace then friday evening the inside of the kitchen cabinets. every mom has one cabinet with tupperware or rubbermaid that their kids can destroy. kate decided to empty it out as much as she needed to clear her a path to the shelf. she then started climbing...she got up there she just couldn't sit up since she was so tall. but wow...did she do it and was she excited!

by the way, sean mentioned to me that while i was out at the store this afternoon she climbed the ottoman and made it to the back of the chair to sit and was like, "WOW i did it."

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The beginning....

so, for the past few months I have been thinking i should start a blog...but, when will i find the time? i apologize now for my inept writing abilities, those were bestowed on my brother. i will try to update this at least MONTHLY. that is my goal. if i fail, i am sorry.

so, i will post the adventures of the brannon family of oklahoma. where to start....sean had class this weekend so it was me and kids....this is what our weekend consisted of:

1) watch noggin
2) destroy the living room
3) destroy the kitchen
4) watch noggin
5) destroy the upstairs den
6) text daddy and ask when he is coming home
7) watch noggin
8) watch the clock till daddy comes home

that is pretty much my weekend in a nutshell! kate is teething and was cranky. will was his usual ball full of energy. we worked on potty training, it was ok. one poop in the potty, one poop in our diego underwear. we will get there. someday.

here is a picture of my lovely family. this was taken on mother's day at the tulsa zoo.