Sunday, December 14, 2008


it was a beautiful but extremely windy day in broken arrow. we did a few errands and then decided to take the kids to bass pro to see santa. we walked in at 74 degrees and walked out at 55, it is now currently 23 as i write this. it dropped 50 degrees in five hours. no wonder my wrists and ankles hurt so bad. only in oklahoma.

so, the kids saw santa. will was super excited and not the least bit scared. he hopped right up and posed for his pic. he tried to smile but it wasn't a fun one, just his serious face. he asked santa for toys and lots of them. thankfully, he didn't ask for anything specific. last night he asked josey, our elf, for santa to bring him a telescope, viking, pirate and a farm. all of which we do not have!

kate had to be placed on santa's lap, she immediately stuck her arms out as soon as i put her down. she did sit long enough for a pic but she was scared. she didn't cry, didn't make a sound. this pic is from our camera, the ones we got from the store are much better.

merry Christmas from the Brannon's!

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